Looking for a safe space to have meaningful conversations and connect with others on a similar journey?

Join the Brothers of Purpose: Growth Circle Networking Event - a relaxed, welcoming environment where people come together to discuss all things personal development, business & entrepreneurship, mental health and finding purpose in life.

This is a great chance for you to touch base with people who are genuinely on the same path as you, looking to grow, share experiences and gain insights that can make a real difference in your everyday life or work.

When & Where Does It Happen?

Location: Q16, Quorum Business Park, Newcastle upon Tyne NE12 8BX

Time: Every 4th Saturday of the month, 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM

How to Confirm Your Attendance!

This networking event is FREE for anyone to attend. Simply submit the form below and you’ll get a confirmation email with all the event details and a reminder a few days before.


Shipping & Your InfoLet us know where to deliver your journal below!
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If you're a newbie looking to GET STRONGER & BUILD YOUR CONFIDENCE but don't know where to start? This is the online STRENGTH TRAINING PROGRAM that will literally save you years of time and effort spent wondering what to do & how to do it as a beginner weightlifter.

✅ No more tip toeing around the gym making slow progress & feeling clueless on how to lift.

✅ Uncover the proven training methods top strength athletes are using today to add 20-40kg to their lifts!

✅ The "do's & don'ts" of building & maintaining muscle mass so you can actually keep your gains once you've made them!

✅ Learn the fundamentals of a sturdy 'lean bulk diet' so you can get stronger without losing all your definition.

Having an online strength coach to be your personal guide means you'll be provided with a high level of support whilst still being able to work out in your own time. You will be given full access to our private online coaching app where you can view easy-to-follow demonstration videos of each exercise within your training plan, track your full progress, view your assigned meal plans and even upload your own training videos to receive expert feedback on your form & technique.

Every week you'll also have a private 1-1 video call on zoom where we'll personally review your full week, assess progress and set the focus going forward so that you're always well on track.